In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, an embattled Hollywood lined up behind the Netflix narco-musical about trans identity ...
Seven San Antonio police officers were shot while responding to a "suicide in progress" call and the suspect was later found ...
It’s right about this time of year that scammers start targeting elderly people with various schemes to cheat people out of their savings. They might contact you in-person ...
My sister expects me to make my son and his friends spend time with her son. Our sons are in their early 20s and used to spend a ...
A cold snap that threatened to bring wintry precipitation to the area pushed Temple’s District 12-6A tilt with Copperas Cove ...
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Dear Heloise: My late mother, who had arthritis and multiple sclerosis, kept her shower shiny and clean by buying an inexpensive nylon kitchen broom. She just used it for cleaning tubs and showers.