Last month, 150 feet of the Santa Cruz Wharf — an iconic, 110-year-old pier — crumbled into the sea. Two construction workers ...
Residents describe experiences of sore throats and other symptoms. The energy storage industry insists that this incident is ...
The wildfires in California were so severe, firefighters from all over the country poured in. Now some of the firefighters from Rio Rico are back and talking about their experiences.
Fueled by powerful winds and dry conditions, a series of ferocious wildfires erupted the second week of January and roared ...
A new wildfire was reported today at 10:38 a.m. in Santa Cruz County. The wildfire has been burning on private land.
CalMatters reports on the alarming issue of home development in highly flammable areas in the state of California.
Santa Cruz County supervisors met to discuss potential toxin spread from the Moss Landing battery plant fire, with residents ...
US President Donald Trump says that wind farms harm birds and whales. Scientists weigh wind power's impacts on wildlife against those of oil and gas.
Researchers find heavy metals in sensitive habitat near Moss Landing battery fire site, a group of locals collect 125 samples ...
The Santa Ana winds are dry, powerful winds that blow down the mountains toward the Southern California coast. The region ...
"Fortunately no one was hurt," said Board Chair Felipe Hernandez. "But this event has left a lot of questions in the minds of ...
The uproar over the Moss Landing Vistra battery plant meltdown that started Jan. 16 has only intensified, as many County and North Monterey County residents seem to have been caught ...