General Mark Dreyfus will attend the commemorations in Poland next week.“Penny Wong has real issues in relation to this issue. The relationship with Israel has been trashed,” Mr Dutton told reporters ...
Peter Dutton says Penny Wong is “the most inappropriate person” to be representing Australia at the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz because she has “trashed” the relationship with ...
Anthony Albanese points to the array of measures his government has taken to tackle the scourge of antisemitism. But he can't escape the impression of seeming perennially on the back foot and often ...
Israel seems to be becoming a hot spot for terrorist tourism. I wonder how many other failed attempts by others, boarding flights and crossing borders for the opportunity to kill Jews in Israel. And ...
Anthony Albanese can’t escape the impression of seeming perennially on the back foot and often lacking adequate empathy and ...
“Hamas continued to refuse any proposition brought to them. It was only when Trump set a red line and threatened them that they actually came to sit around the table. Up to that point, they weren’t ...