Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan met with auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who had rushed him to the hospital after he was attacked at his Mumbai home on January 16. Khan thanked Rana for his quick assistance,
Speaking at a BJP function, Rane, questioned the authenticity of Saif Ali Khan's attack, suggesting that his quick recovery raised suspicions.
MUMBAI, India (AP) — Indian Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in a scuffle with an intruder at his home early Thursday and underwent surgery at a hospital, media reports said.
Shariful Islam Shehzad's father claims the person in the CCTV footage isn't his son, citing the individual's long hair, whereas his son keeps his hair short.
Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was out of danger, police said on Thursday, following stab injuries received in a scuffle with an intruder at his home in India’s financial capital of Mumbai for which he was undergoing surgery.
It looks like the attacker of Saif Ali Khan is a true Shah Rukh Khan fan and took inspiration from his movie. Read
The police informed that the Bangladeshi national had entered India seven months ago and used a West Bengal resident’s Aadhaar card to procure a SIM before moving to Mumbai.
Police arrested a 30-year-old man in India’s financial capital Mumbai whom they said was considered the prime suspect in the stabbing of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan.
Police in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh on Saturday detained a second person suspected of involvement in a knife attack in which Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was wounded.
Abida Sultan drove cars, hunted in the wild, and piloted planes when most women in her era were confined to traditional roles.
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