The California Department of Education sent a letter to school leaders Tuesday noting their 'obligation' to protect immigrant families' rights to education.
In Long Beach, the school district said it is "committed to providing a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students, regardless of immigration status."
The local charter school founder held brief positions at St. Hope Public Schools, Sacramento County Board of Education and Sacramento City Unified School District.
A compliant filed by the the Equal Protection Project, claims that 23 campuses at California State University operated a consortium open only to men of color.
Countering a stable funding forecast for schools and community colleges, Newsom said both the University of California and California State University should expect as deep as an 8% cut in ongoing state money.
UCLA and other UC schools face complaints of antisemitism during protests; Office of Civil Rights to enforce policy reviews, teacher trainings, more.
California has had a racial imbalance between its teacher workforce and its student population for years, with a majority Hispanic student population being taught by teachers who are mostly white. That could be changing, as more people of Hispanic heritage enroll in college teacher preparation programs in the state.